S Rhee S Rhee

Recycle Your Contacts!

The Youth Advisory Board on Antibiotic Resistance has been collecting and promoting contact recycling since July 2023. It is estimated that about 14 billion contacts are thrown in the trash annually and many of them are flushed down the drain contributing to microplastic pollution. Microplastics have been found to increase antibiotic resistance. There are many official contact recycling bins provided by Bausch + Lomb! Please recycle your contacts or contact us to help you recycle your contacts!

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S Rhee S Rhee

AMR Ambassadors Program for Young People in Africa

Recently, I had the opportunity to connect with Robin Berghaus of CARB-X, and she kindly reached out to me to use my podcast as an example in her virtual, worldwide presentation to AMR Ambassadors Program for Young People in Africa. The presentation focused on media strategies to tell antimicrobial stories. CARB-X is a global non-profit that is a global antibacterial innovation accelerator led by Boston University. Stay tuned for upcoming podcast episodes talking more in depth with CARB-X! Access to the full webinar presentation is here.

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S Rhee S Rhee

Helping Dr. Quon’s Patient

Dr. Austin Quon who is a practicing Chiropractor in Laguna Hills, CA had a patient that had brought in a bag of old prescriptions that they no longer needed. Among the medications were some antibiotics as well. I had let the front desk staff, Donna Quon, know that I am always a resource for helping patients dispose of their medications properly. When Donna contacted me, I was able to help the patient dispose of the medications in an official take-bin at a local pharmacy. Here is a picture of their old medications and I am relieved that another batch is saved from entering our waterways. www.drquon.com

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S Rhee S Rhee

RX Take Back: First Donation

I made my first donation at my local pharmacy where I safely disposed of expired and unused medications in an official takebackdrugs.org bin. I was able to share with my neighbors that I am doing this initiative to educate the community in order to prevent improper medication disposals that can affect our waterways and ultimately lead to increased antibiotic resistance. Please find a bin near you to dispose your medications safely!

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S Rhee S Rhee

RX Take Back Initiative

RX Take Back. Protect Our Waters. Fight Antibiotic Resistance.

Did you know that that a recent study reported by the World Economic Forum on February 17, 2022 said that “pharmaceuticals are present in almost all the world’s rivers.” The article highlighted a study conducted by a team of scientists from York University in the UK that tested over 1,000 water samples from 258 rivers in 104 countries. The study found that the a majority of the rivers were contaminated with dangerous levels of medicinal drugs. Two rivers in Iceland and one in Venezuela were the only rivers found with no contamination. We can still make a difference by encouraging our communities to dispose properly of unused and old prescriptions. For those in California, we can find an official bin located on a map on takebackdrugs.org . I have started this in my community to encourage my neighbors to get their old medications into a take-back bin and also to spread awareness about antibiotic resistance.

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