RX Take Back Initiative

RX Take Back. Protect Our Waters. Fight Antibiotic Resistance.

Did you know that that a recent study reported by the World Economic Forum on February 17, 2022 said that “pharmaceuticals are present in almost all the world’s rivers.” The article highlighted a study conducted by a team of scientists from York University in the UK that tested over 1,000 water samples from 258 rivers in 104 countries. The study found that the a majority of the rivers were contaminated with dangerous levels of medicinal drugs. Two rivers in Iceland and one in Venezuela were the only rivers found with no contamination. We can still make a difference by encouraging our communities to dispose properly of unused and old prescriptions. For those in California, we can find an official bin located on a map on takebackdrugs.org . I have started this in my community to encourage my neighbors to get their old medications into a take-back bin and also to spread awareness about antibiotic resistance.


RX Take Back: First Donation